Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sole Hope

last week i had the priveledge of spending a whole day serving with a really neat ministry here in Jinja. 

Sole Hope is a non-profit organization thats main focus is removing jiggers, dirt and infections from the feet of children. 
for those of you who don't know - jiggers are tiny bugs that insert themselves under skin, and don't stop until they've eaten through the flesh. 

the team (made up of Dru and Asher, founders and directors of Sole Hope, and many volunteers from other ministries) set up in a school yard located in an outer village. we set out wash bins, stools and about twelve bings FULL of brand new, close-toed shoes. 

i wasnt prepared for how many jiggers we saw in these children's feet.
the team used clothes pins to dig out the jiggers and then the kids' feet were washed and dried. 

i think i fitted and put shoes on one-hundred-something pairs of feet!!! 

there was something humbling and beautiful about serving with Sole Hope today. you just don't think about things like this- something so simple as clean, healthy feet and new shoes. 
you should have seen these kids' faces today (see photo below).....they were SO over joyed to have jigger-free feet, now in shoes that will protect them!

happy Sunday!

since the second Sunday in Jinja, i have been attending a non-denominational church called Worship Harvest. i am so blessed to have found a church family i can call my own while i am here - away from Christ Community Church back home. 
Worship Harvest has a fantastic congergation, mostly made up of people my age and the elderly. 
it is so refreshing and inspiring to be surrounded by those, both young and old, who speak so openly about their faith - their strengths and weaknesses. 
i cannot explain how impacting the praise and worship part of the service is - i would say praising God through song is the highlight of my Sunday mornings! 
and the pastor's sermons are spoken straight from God's Word - we've been going through a sermon series entitled "walking with Jesus" from the book of John. never before have i looked at and learned from the healings and miracles of Jesus in John like i am now. powerful!
one thing the Lord is setting on my heart is how important it is to be plugged in with a church family- to grow together in praising God and learning/living out what He has written for us in the Bible!
i have a new-found appreciation for my church family back home AND here in Jinja!

ive been inviting the family who is living at the James Place, in the emergency quarters of the compound to Worship Harvest. they are joining me again this morning....nothing i love more than seeing a young mom and her two baby boys excited to go to church!!
well, mayb Rob (the little one im holding) isnt too thrilled ;) 

happy Sunday, y'all!!! 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

my new best friend

it's always a happy thing when a child, who doesn't seem to like you very much, suddenly becomes your best friend.
you've seen her in some of my previous pictures - meet baby Faith!

she is the only child of the cook here at the James Place, Babyre.
Faithy is the princess of this place, to say the least. she can be found in the arms of any one of the staff members here, or right in the center of attention! she enjoys sleeping, eating, following the other kids around, eating, being held, sleeping and potty training!
i know i say every kid is the cutest, and i'll say it again - she is the cutest!

her precious little smile is so contagious, and oh to hear her laugh - melts my heart!!!

from the day i arrived at the James Place, Faith didn't seem to like me too much. i would try holding her and she would just cry. so i left it at that, and settled for waving at her from a distance.
but starting just a few days ago, she will see me and come running! "Adi! Adi!" she squeals and reaches up for me to hold her.
her newest hobby is helping me plan preschool, where she gets into everything she can and tries to eat markers and crayons.

i think i've found my new best friend. 

today's list

most of you back home are talking of chilly degrees and even snow flurries?! 
here it has been a sunny and 75 kind of day - loved every minute of it!!!

there is nothing i appreciate more than a good list (i LOVE lists!!!) here is a list of today's activities! 

1. preschool- the kids did a fantastic job of naming all their colors, shapes, numbers and ABCs! it's really something to see the effort put into teaching them stuff they dont know finally begin to make sense in their heads!! we completed our "letter of the day" crafts project - today was letter Z! way to go, my little learners!!! 

2. started a Bible study / prayer group with the ladies working here at the James Place. i was somewhat nervous about leading the group, but really felt the Lord urging me to do this- and it was SO GOOD! we read through 1 Corinthians and then spent some time in prayer, mainly lifting up Tina for healing and strength! i am still so blown away by how much Tina is loved by these people. very excited for her to return and to get to serve with her here!! 

3. helped make rugs with a few of my close friends from the sewing class on Wednesdays - we four sat in the front yard, weaving pieces of fabric into the bags, chatting and soaking up the sunshine!

4. led a Bible study for twenty+ women in Masese this afternoon- it was one of those praise times when you don't feel your hands lifted to the sky but they are! Masese is such a dark place, full of suffering and fear- but it is evident that the Lord is at work there when you see these women's faith. they are women of God for sure!

5. got treated to a delicious Chinese dinner by Trey- had some good chats and so enjoyed hearing him talk about the ministry and his mom!

6. came back to the James Place (got to ride a bota home and LOVED IT!!!) and spent part of the night with Juliana, watching "the show"- a Indian soap opera! very intertaining. 

7. answered prayer- then Juliana had to find her passport and so she and i literally tore apart her whole room trying to find it. 
after several hours of searching we collapsed on the bed, feeling exhausted and defeated. i remembered what my mom always had said, "if you've lost something, pray it will be found!!" so i called out that in Jesus's name, the passport would show up....
not five minutes later, after looking inside a small green bag for the third time, what should i pull out of an envelope but Juliana's passport!!!
i know it may not seem that exciting, but let me tell you- we were jumping up and down with joy!!! 
and that concluded another blessed day here in Jinja! 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

in Christ alone

on the plane ride over here, i read through five of the ten books i had stuffed into my suit case. and since i've been at the James Place, i haven't picked a single book up to read because i simply have not had the time (not complaining - LOVE being busy!!!)...and this evening i decided to stay home from an event in Jinja to have some quiet time.
some days - whether you're in Franklin, Tennessee or in Jinja, Uganda - you just need an evening of relaxation and reflection. i took a long, hot shower (thank you, Lord!) and ate some steamed veggies and drank a few glasses of fresh passion fruit juice. then i sat down with my Bible and A Praying Life (a fantastic book written by Paul E. Miller) and read out of each for several hours.
if you haven't read A Praying Life, i highly suggest you go do so! this book stays true to its title, explaining what it means and how to live a praying life.
as i was reading through chapter six, this text fell heavy on my heart...and i'd like to share it with you.
this part is actually a quote from another book called A Letter from Jesus Christ (next on my reading list!!!)...

i know those moods where you sit there utterly alone, pining, eaten up with unhappiness, in a pure state of grief. you don't move towards Me but desperately imagine that everything you have ever done has been utterly lost and forgotten. this near-despair and self-pity are actually a form of pride. what you think was a state of absolute security from which you've fallen was really trusting too much in your own strength and ability....what really ails you is that things simply haven't happened as you expected and wanted.
in fact, I don't want you to rely on your own strength and abilities and plans, but to distrust them and to distrust yourself, and to trust Me and no one and nothing else. as long as you rely entirely on yourself, you are bound to come to grief. you still have a most important lesson to learn: your own strength will no more help you to stand upright than propping yourself on a broken reed. you must not despair of Me. you may hope and trust in my absolutely. My mercy is infinite.

i think we can all agree that at one point in our lives, we have all been here. we've all experienced those moments of feeling hopeless and lost. i know i have! and i know that (even in this past month) the Lord has exposed how much of myself i trust in and the things i find my security in. it's so wrong! there is absolutely nothing we should base our identity in other than Jesus Christ!
it's sad to think that we try to find our self-worth in things we are good at, other people, tasks we accomplish, and so so much more. and when we do this, we put ourselves in a state of constantly being let down and allow ourselves to be vulnerable to grief.
and i can say personally, there is grief and disappointment when i try to stand on my own strength.
because without Christ, i am weak. i am ignorant. i will fail over and over again. i am insecure.
but when i fix my eyes on who i am in Christ, i am strong. i am humbled. i will prevail. i am secure.
there is a huge, huge difference seen and experienced when we live for the Lord, trusting and hoping in Him absolutely!
and on that note, i'm off to bed! church in the morning - will try to get some pictures....i'm so blessed to have found a church i connect with and feel at home in!
much love, my friends!!!

sweet memories

apologize for the blurriness of this photo but....this lady is a very dear friend of mine! her name is Sylvia, and she is the teacher of the sewing classes here at the James Place. she is such a joy to be around and is always encouraging me with words of Truth! her smile is literally contageous. 
there is something about Sylvia that reminds me so much of my mom! 
maybe it's her passion and enjoyment she finds in sewing?! 
this is why i love Africa. meeting and becoming friends with beautiful souls who radiate light and life and love!
this evening Juliana and i took botas to Main Street (the nearby town area) to visit Sylvia in her shop! 
it was the perfect end to a great, great day....being surrounded by sewing machines, unfinished dresses and loads of fabrics....those of you who knew my mother know that today i had more than a few flashbacks!! 
remembering my mom, sitting in her rolling chair in her sewing room, singing her heart out as she sewed on a PoppyDip dress. ah, sweet memories! thank you, Jinja! thank you, Father God!!! 

to the school

the other day, i along with several of the Ugandan staff members (Joshua, Juliana and Irene) drove to another town to check in on three girls that Tina (HEAL's director) sponsors. 
the drive was just much wide, open green spaces and picture-perfect skies!!! 

well pictures just dont do the view justice. God's handiwork is truly clear here in Uganda! 
anyways, we arrived at the school and were greeted by many children, all wearing matching school uniforms. 
the three girls, Whinnie, Joyce and Vivian came running with huge smiles and open arms. 

their story, along with their mother's story (Irene) is just beautiful!
i won't write about it on my blog, but i am happy to share it with you when i return! 
through grace, new mercies and the healing only Jesus can bring, Irene is now  a part of the staff at the James Place, her son, Marvin is in childcare and her three girls are being sponsored to recieve an amazing education!
HEAL is reaching out and changing the lives of not just the women in their program, but their families- children of all ages! 

and on the ride back to the James Place, i snapped this about precious!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

these are a few of my favorite things

this morning, Jackie said sadly, "Adi, you have only five more weeks here...don't you?" i honestly haven't even thought about how many days i have left here in Jinja. i haven't been counting. in fact, until now, i haven't even checked what day it is. and it's March already?! where is the time going....
i can't think about leaving.
instead, i'll jot down some of my favorite things i hear during my days at the James Place and then leave you (my dear readers) with these pictures of the sweetest, cutest baby girl you will ever meet....

"Auntie Adi, i love you!"
"swing me! even me!"
"this one (points at friend) is crying!"
"here is a flower for you!"
"Auntie Adi, come and see! come and see!"
"i have to susu (potty)!"
"this one is pinching me!"
"Auntie Adi, i want to swing!"
"here is a sticker for you!"
"Auntie Adi, swing me, and please!"
"thank you, teacher! thank you, teacher!"

just start reading

there is really nothing i love more than reading God's Word. really. what better way to spend my time than spending hours upon hours soaking up and studying Scripture?
i admit, there are times when the thought of sitting and reading my Bible isn't that appealing - i would rather be doing something else. and it's not that I don't love God - it's just that i'm the kind of person who can't stay still for too long. i fail all the time when i open my Bible and minutes later check my phone - then i find myself on facebook or replying to a text.
but i can tell you, reading your Bible is a matter of the heart. it's a wanting to know our Creator more.
and it's what He wants. He wants us to read all about Him. He wants us to grow closer to Him. He wants us to know how much He loves us.
there is something about sitting down in a quiet space and reading through a book in the Bible.
there is something about being surrounded by friends as we pass a Bible around, each reading one verse.
there is something about His Word that brings hope, healing, guild lines, convictions, grace and mercy and a knowing that you are more than what this world says you are.
you are Beloved. you are Chosen. you are adored by the God of the universe and everything in it.
i encourage each of you to go pick up your Bible and just start reading.
"let the word of Christ dwell in your richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom...." Colossians 3:16

Friday, March 14, 2014

under the weather

under the weather today - in two ways!! i woke up with a piercing headache and feeling really nauseous. if you know me, you know that there is nothing i hate more than throwing up!! i tried my best to talk myself out of being sick and continued with my morning routine - made my bed, got dressed, drank some coffee and ate some granola, made a lesson plan for my class and began cutting out yellow cunstruction paper sunshines for the class craft. 
and then it hit me. 
if i ever get a parasite, i pray it isnt worse than what i experienced this morning....thought i would never leave the toilet! then i had to rush upstairs to kneel at yet another potty and threw up my breakfast. yay. 
i havent thrown up in so long - really i almost started crying. tried not to be dramatic but i hate throwing up!!! 
Trey said i could take the day off and try to knock out the sickness with sleep. 
i was almost asleep when Jackie and Jennifer (two of the staff members and two of my sweetest friends) came into my room and knelt beside my bed and prayed healing over me. 
a few hours passed, and i woke feeling refreshed and not nauseous at all - PRAISE THE LORD!!!
went outside and got completely soaked by the rain walking to the gecko house (pictured above) where the little heads of my class popped up and they all shouted in unison, "Auntie Adi! look! it's our Auntie Adi!!!" and well that just melted my heart. 
now it's evening time and it's still raining...but that's okay! im well again and blessed beyond what i can say! 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

a dream

"you know what i wish?" asked Juliana (the head of the staff here at the James' Place) "i wish you can stay the whole year here - that would be wonderful - teaching these children. they are learning so much. even after they leave the preschool, they are singing the songs you teach them and remembering the things you tell them. they are learning a great deal from you, Adi." 
it blows me away that the Lord has people say things like this at just the right times. 
today was just one of those days - the Bible story wasn't getting through to my class, the craft was one big gluey, sticky mess, the kids wouldn't sing along to our songs. i was feeling discouraged and like nothing was going right.
then Juliana says this to me and it brought a smile to my face.
i LOVE teaching. and whether it's a good day or a bad day, i am encouraged and excited for the next day and what it brings.
there is a dream i have tucked away in the back of my mind - and it's making its way to my heart. 
i can see myself starting a school here (in Africa). a school that focuses on education through the joy of Jesus. i want to see more kids here being taught that way.
my class is absorbing so much through creative learning...
writing A through Z, play-pretending our way through Bible stories, using flashcards for shapes and numbers, many a craft project, etc, etc, etc.....