Monday, January 6, 2014


leaving Ethiopia feels like part of me is being ripped out. while the team packed our bags and loaded them onto the vans, i had to go upstairs and sat down and bawled. 
if it's this hard for me to say goodbye, i cannot imagine what it's like for all my Ethiopian friends. but they were so encouraging and kept repeating as we hugged one another at the airport parking lot, "this isn't really goodbye! we will see you again!" they are all so strong. 
chow, Ethiopia- see you again real soon!!!!


we spent most of our day at the Hope for the Hopeless Salulta location- one of my favorite places on earth. 
my heart goes out to all the kids involved at H4H....they knew me and my team mates by name, so eager to just chit chat in the few words we know of each others languages. 
Eyob was there, and it was so good getting to spend almost a whole day with him. 

we all played soccer (yes, even me for a bit) and running games. the H4H chior sang the most adorable Christmas song for the team...

and we ate a delicious meal of ox meat and injera. funny, because when we were here the other day, we saw the ox walking around in the he was our dinner.

Ordinary Hero had gathered together a new backpack filled with clothes and school supplies for every kid in H4H...we passed those out and then prayed for them. then they prayed over us. 

there is nothing i hate more than goodbyes. 
i hugged them all and hurried into the van. Eyob came over to the open window next to me and we prayed for each other. it was such a powerful moment. everyone was in tears when we left Sululta...there is no doubt in my mind that i will be coming back. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014


i cannot believe how fast this trip has flown by....tomorrow is my last day here in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia...
im sitting on my bed, in the bedroom i've called my own, trying to think of everything and everyone ive seen these past days. my mind is racing with all my team has been through. i am in awe at the lives being changed here- those we have met and our own lives as well. the life lessons and experiences i am taking away from this place are irreplacable. the faces and names of the people ive bonded with i will never forget. the bright smiles and the many tears that have been cried are a part of me. God is truly at work in this country, and it has been such a humbling, inspiring and encouraging experience to be a part of building His kingdom. 
i will add posts about my last day here AND i will be adding onto older posts with diary notes and more pictures!! stay tuned, folks.......

back on the mountain

today we traveled back to Entoto Mountain, where we visited mothers, grandmothers and so many children. i find it amazing that those kids i saw just a few days ago, remember my name and are beyond thrilled to see me again. my heart goes out to these families...they are more destitute than those living in Korah (because at least the Korah community has the trash-dump to go to for food)...we passed out small bags filled with injera and i visited with several grandmothers with small children. a young girl who was holding my hand acted as my translator- surprisingly, she knew quite a bit of English. being able to ask questions and hear these women's stories was so amazing. listening to them share how they care for their grand children and great nieces and nephews was incredible. these people are filled with so much love and compassion. 

this is NOL

this afternoon the team visited my favorite ministry- No Ordinary Love. this foundation reaches out to young mothers and children who have been trafficked, and helps impoverished families in the area.

today we got the honor to pass out LIVE CHICKENS that Ordinary Hero has purchased through their website! talk about exciting....these families who recieved the chickens (and soap and other items) acted like kids on Christmas morning! 

needless to say, i am terrified of chickens and wasnt about to hold one....but i did get to play with these Ethiopian kids- some of the happiest children i know!

these chickens were cracking me up....

heavy burdens lifted

today we were driving down Entoto Mountain, when we passed a group of women carrying HUGE loads of branches down the road. we stopped and took their burdens of their bent backs. i really wish i had gotten some pictures of their faces- they were so happy and thankful. it is wild because just one load took four of our strongest team members to lift. my part of the team had seven beauties riding in our van....we gave them tennis shoes, skirts and blankets. the term "heavy burdens" is taken literally here...and today, this group of women prayed for their burdens to be lifted. and they were. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

kids helping kids

today we witnessed something truly inspiring. a senior class at a highschool helped us pass out donations and serve a meal to over sixty students from an under priveledged school. it's not every day you see older kids really invested in the lives of youngsters. 

the few chaotic hours we were there, being helped by this senior class and seeing their servant hearts really hit me hard. and seeing those smiles on these kids can hardly describe it....

these sixty something children left with new clothes, shoes, books and full tummies! 

orphanage love

my team visited the orphanage here in Addis Ababa, run by the Catholic nuns. one sister we talked with is eighty years old, and has served in this orphanage for fourty years. talk about inspiring! LOVED getting to hold all these sweet babies....most of them have forever families coming to get them!! 
i keep thinking that if i was an adopting mother, i would find so much peace and joy knowing that a team of baby-loving girls were in my child's orphanage, holding and giving love to all the little ones! 

this beautiful baby boy was here in July (the last time i was in Ethiopia) and praise the Lord, he now has a family waiting to come pick him up and take him to his new home!!